
Welcome to my blog. I document my battles, success and adventures with Stage IV Lung Cancer.  I hope you have a blessed day!

This is how the Hulk Started

This is how the Hulk Started

Today I met with my radiologist.  We had an in depth discussion regarding the pros and cons of radiation treatment.  My biggest concern was if I had radiation could my cancer cells progress and become aggressive and spread and I was informed that they would not.  My team of doctors informed me that Anderson hospital in Texas was having great success with patients taking oral chemo and radiation combination so I opted to start my treatments as soon as possible.  The following explains what external radiation therapy consists of and how it affects patients.  What this doesn't tell is how nuclear medicine and radiation creates super heroes.  I have been on nuclear medicine since November and now I am dealing with radiation so it's a no brainer that I am soon to become a super hero.         

External Radiation Therapy
What is external radiation therapy?  External radiation therapy is a treatment that uses radiation (x-ray energy) to treat cancer. Radiation is a strong beam of x-ray energy that passes through organs and healthy tissue to reach tumors. External radiation therapy is used to shrink the tumor or kill the cancer cells. It may also be used to decrease symptoms caused by the tumor. External radiation therapy may be combined with other treatments such as medicine, chemotherapy, or surgery.
How is external beam radiation therapy done?  External radiation treatment is usually done in a hospital or clinic. You may need external radiation therapy every day over a period of several weeks. 
What are the risks of external beam radiation therapy? 
Radiation kills cancer cells, but can also damage healthy cells. You may have nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, or blood in your bowel movements. After treatment, you may feel more tired, weak, or have an increased risk of infection. External radiation therapy may cause your skin to be dry, red, or darker than usual. You may get sores on your skin. You may have thinning or loss of hair. Organs close to where the radiation is aimed may be harmed and not work as well, or stop working completely. You may become infertile after radiation treatment. Radiation increases the risk of a second type of cancer. 
Without external radiation therapy, tumors can grow and damage tissues around them. You may get weak, lose weight, and have pain in areas with tumors. Cancer cells may spread and grow into new tumors in other parts of your body. These tumors can damage more organs and make it hard for you to heal.
How can I care for my skin during external radiation therapy?  External beam radiation therapy may make your skin red, dry, bleed, or peel. Care for your skin by doing the following:
Use a mild shampoo.
Carefully wash the wound with a mild soap. Rinse gently with water. Do not scrub. Pat your skin dry. Do not rub your skin.
Do not soak in a bath for a long time. This can make your skin drier.
Ask what type of lotion or cream is best to use on your skin.
When should I contact my healthcare provider?  Contact your healthcare provider if:
You have a fever.
You get a cold or flu.
You cannot make it to any of your treatment sessions. 
You have questions or concerns about your condition or care.
When should I seek immediate care? Seek care immediately or call 911 if:
You have a seizure.
You suddenly have problems remembering things.
You suddenly have trouble breathing or chest pain.

Blood, Blood and More Blood

Blood, Blood and More Blood

2nd Scan After Taking Tarceva

2nd Scan After Taking Tarceva